
Since 1986, we have offered pediatric dentistry services to meet the dental needs of children and persons with special health-care needs in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Pediatric dentistry is currently provided by the Janeway Dental Clinic through a service contract agreement, and in coordination, with Eastern Health. For more information, please visit the Janeway Dental Clinic website.

What we do

The Janeway Dental Clinic provides dental care to all children and adolescents, and specializes in dental care for persons with:

  • Medical conditions such as cleft lip/palate, bleeding disorders, cancer or complex heart disease.
  • Compromised immune systems who are better treated in a hospital setting.
  • Inpatients at the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre for extended periods of time.
  • Severe physical disabilities or medically diagnosed behavioural management issues such as developmental delay or autism.
  • Sustained dental or facial trauma.

The pediatric dental service offers a comprehensive approach to dental care and services including:

  • Consultations
  • Preventive care
  • Restorations
  • Extractions
  • Sedation
  • General anesthesia
  • Endodontics
  • Prosthodontics
  • Cleft lip/palate pre-surgical infant orthopedics
  • Management of acute dental infections
  • Dental and facial trauma
  • Autism desensitization program

Operation Tooth

Operation Tooth is a program whereby available operating room time at hospitals throughout the province is used by pediatric dentistry to carry out necessary dental treatment for children near their homes. Since its inception in 2008, Operation Tooth visits have taken place in hospitals in Goose Bay, Gander and the Burin area.

Newborns with cleft lip and palate

The Janeway Dental Clinic, as well as the cleft lip and palate team, are heavily involved in the care of infants with cleft lip and palate. Newborns with cleft lip and palate issues often have difficulty feeding and the pediatric dentist can make a special appliance to help feeding a baby with cleft lip and plate.

Who we see

We provide outpatient services to children and youth under 18 years of age.

We also provide care to:

  • Persons with special health-care needs of any age who require care in a hospital-based setting.
  • Patients admitted to the Health Sciences Centre.
  • Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre patients.

Our team

Our team is comprised of the following health-care professionals:

  • Pediatric dentists
  • Dentists
  • Oral-maxillofacial radiologists
  • Dental assistants
  • Administrative assistants

How to access this service

Referrals to access pediatric dentistry must be made by your physician or health-care professional using the dental referral form (PDF). Submit completed referrals to or fax: 709-777-4171.

Where we are

Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre
2nd floor
300 Prince Philip Drive
St. John’s, NL
A1B 3V6

The Janeway Dental Clinic is located on the 2nd floor of the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre. Enter through the child patient entrance and turn left once inside the foyer.

Hours of operation

Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

How to reach us

Janeway Pediatric Dentistry Service
Telephone: 709-777-4353

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Last updated: 2022-06-20