Providing health-care services and resources for you and your family.
The Children and Women’s Health Program at Eastern Health provides specialty care to children and adults in Newfoundland and Labrador. Our program offers specialty clinics to children and youth, and as well as a full range of obstetrical and gynecological services for adults, including maternal and newborn care. We also focus on health promotion and health education. Our team of over 800 staff is dedicated to providing high quality, client and family-centred care to patients and families across the province.
Prenatal education provides support to pregnant women and their families to promote a healthy pregnancy, prepare for labour and delivery and assist in postnatal care, such as post-partum and breastfeeding support services.
We provide rehabilitation care for children and youth through day patient and outpatient services, school visits, home programs and multidisciplinary team clinics. Services range from short- to long-term rehabilitation, up to the age of 18 years.
The Children and Women’s Health Program is supported by the Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation, which has funded many initiatives to enhance the care provided to children in Newfoundland and Labrador.