Feel good

Feeling good about yourself means having a sense of contentment and overall wellness. It means loving the person that you are both on the inside and outside!

Tips to help to maintain positive mental health:

  • Take pride in your strengths. Make a list of things that you like about yourself.
  • Get at least seven to eight hours sleep per night.  Sleep is important for a healthy mind and body. Good sleep habits have a positive effect on our mood, emotions, and coping abilities.
  • No body-bashing. Speak kindly about your body and think about the amazing things it does for you!
  • Smile!  When you smile at people, they smile back at you.
  • Find a hobby. It is very important to find time to do things that you enjoy and make you feel happy.
  • Celebrate your achievements, both on your own and with close friends or relatives.
  • Compliment yourself when you do something well.
  • Make a list of all the things that you are grateful for. This can help you feel good by reflecting on all the positive things that you have in your life like health, family, and friends.
  • Avoid comparing yourself with others. No two people in this world are alike. Be proud of your individuality and what you have to offer!
  • Be aware of negative thinking.  Negative thinking can lead to decreased mood and motivation. Being aware of this can help shift our thoughts in a more positive direction.
  • Make time to take a break on a daily basis. Always have some “me time” (even 10 minutes) so you can relax and unwind.
  • Be kind to yourself when you make mistakes.
  • Have something to look forward to.  It has been shown that having something to look forward to can be very motivating and can lift our moods, especially during difficult times.

Check out our Health information (Hi): Mental health page for more information.

Family information and education

Free apps  

  • Bridge the gapp - Free app for adults and teens to support and promote mental wellness
  • Smiling Mind  - Relaxation and mindfulness for children and teens
  • Children’s Bedtime Meditations for Sleep & Calm – Limited free sleep stories and guided relaxation
  • Insight Timer: Large selection of free relaxation, mindfulness, and self-compassion meditations
  • Mindshift: Free mobile app for teens developed by Anxiety Canada, with mindfulness and other coping skills for anxiety
  • BetterSleep: Free app featuring calming sounds and relaxation techniques for better sleep
  • Breathe2Relax – Free app that teaches diaphragmatic breathing



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Last updated: 2022-06-20